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The Halal certificate, issued by The Council of Imams of the Muslim League in Poland, confirms the majority of our product range is suitable for use by Muslims. The state does apply to the assortment located in each product category, available in INGLOT offer. New arrivals launched systematically onto the market, are notified to the Certificate Authority and placed on the list of Halal products, once defined conditions are met. The complete list of products is available here.

The condition for granting the certificate is to fulfil the requirements in terms of ingredients as well as manufacturing method. To successfully pass the verification procedure, each product must be alcohol-free and without ingredients from animal source. In addition, the product development process does require specific production conditions, dispatch as well as proper storage of individual components and the final cosmetics.

It has always been our goal to offer high quality products, available for everyone. We focus on customers to provide them with easy access to cosmetics that correspond to the needs, but also to individual beliefs.

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For all authorized franchise inquiries and applications, please contact exclusively: [email protected]
Please note that Inglot does not charge any fee for franchise application.


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